Why We Shouldn T Euthanasia Be Legalized

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Imagine dying from an illness and the illness hinders the chance to live a normal life. Imagine wanting to end it all. There are many people around the world who are sick and dying. Most of them do not want to suffer anymore. People who witness this usually want to help. Doctors who help an ill person end their life are said to be morally wrong, even if the patient gives consent. People like Brittany Maynard, Aja Riggs, and Thomas Youk gave their consent to death but the assisting doctor was branded as a murder. People don’t care if Euthanasia is legal where the assisted suicide occurred, they still say the doctor is to blame. Doctors are not wrong to help a person end their suffering; the people who say the doctor is morally wrong are the wrong ones. Euthanasia should be legalized in the United States; people should have the right to end their life on their own terms and the assisting doctor not …show more content…

This process is the determining step to whether or not the patient is eligible for Euthanasia. First the patient must state their wish for death and reason why in front of three psychiatrists. A written request must also be presented to the panel of psychiatrists. Once that step is done, the psychiatrists talk to a judge about what they heard, seen, and read from the patient. Next, physicians who have specialized knowledge with the patient’s illness review the case and testimonies. These physicians report back to the judge and the group talks over all parts of the case. The final say is then given by the judge of whether or not the patient is granted the Euthanasia. This is an obnoxiously lengthy process and could take too long for a person who has a little life span left. The process is worth it to some and at the same time too long to be worth it. States have adopted this process and used it when they approved Euthanasia within their