Wiccan Rede Meaning

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Wiccan ethics are seldom codified in a legalistic way, but may be informed by some common expressions such as the "Wiccan Rede" and the "three-fold law." According to most versions of the three-fold law, whatever one does come back to one thrice-multiplied, in amplified repercussion. One short, rhymed version of the Wiccan Rede states Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: “An it harm none, do what you will." Often "none" is interpreted to include the doer themself in analogy to the "golden rule" of other faiths. There are no universal proscriptions regarding food, sex, burial or military service and Wiccans, as a rule, discourage proselytization (attempts to convert others to a different religion).
In Wicca, it is unfortunate that the most …show more content…

Later that year, Valiente 's quote makes its way into Pentagram, a Pagan newsletter.
1965 - Justine Glass publishes the book Witchcraft, The Sixth Sense. She slightly alters the …show more content…

Counsel or advice of the Wise Ones) is: 'An ye harm no one, do what ye will. '"
1965 - 1973 - The Wiccan Rede is picking up momentum, making its way into more books, newsletters and being repeated by well-known Wiccans.
1975 - Lady Gwen Thompson publishes a long poem in The Green Egg magazine. It is called "The Rede of the Wicca" and it contains the quote attributed to Valiente 'Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, An ' it harm none, do what ye will. '
Thompson claims that her grandmother actually wrote the poem, and that the Rede was actually handed down in her family line from antiquity. Her claim is dismissed by many, however, because of incorrect usage of archaic language throughout the poem.
1978 - Doreen Valiente publishes Witchcraft for Tomorrow, repeating her earlier statement:
"Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfil: An it harm none, do what ye will. This can be expressed in more modern English as follows: Eight words the Witches ' Creed fulfill: If it harms none, do what you will."
She incorporates the Rede into a longer work of poetry she titles 'The Wiccan Creed ', which is still often confused with Thompson 's poem.
"And Do What You Will