How Did Wilfred Owens Influence His Writing

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“No one hates war like a soldier hates war” Tommy Franks, an american general had once said . Personal experiences can greatly effect us in various ways. One aspect is writing. During the times of conflict, different poets were influenced by war, which influenced their poems. Wilfred Owen was one of them. Wilfred Owens’ personal experiences greatly influenced his writing in the poem. Of fighting in World War 1, his anti-war sprit would have been provoked, and would have greatly influenced his voice and language in “Dulce Et Decorum Est”. In this essay, I will talk about how did Wilfred Owens’ personal experiences with conflict influence his writing in the poem.
Wilfred Owens’ experiences with war greatly influenced the mood of the poem. As I have mentioned earlier, he was a solider in World War I, and while he was fighting at the front, he would have seen the horrific scenes of the battlefields himself. Additionally, while war poets whom did not participate in battle would usually have to suffer to try to imagine/in squeeze out from their imaginations,he would have been suffering because of the horrific scenes of war that he had seen and was haunting him in his sleep which other war poets would try to imagine it in their minds. This would have allowed him to “open his eyes” to the reality of war, of how ruthless, cold-hearted and pointless war is. As a result, his experiences as a soldier himself, not as an observer, significantly influenced the poems’ mood, making it