
Wilfred Owen Research Paper

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After the Victorian age, it was time for a new era to begin, which allowed people to start anything. This started many people in World War I to start their own trend. Many believed that war was an act of duty to young men to be patriotic for their country. However, that was not the case for many soldiers. Wilfred Owen expressed his opinion about the war openly. Owen wanted to show how the war is not as patriotic as other Europeans believed. Many poets such as, Rupert Brooke, believed that the war is glorious. Owen and Brooke were the exact opposite of each other when it came to war. For example, when Brooke wrote “The Soldier” he overall states the joy and how patriotic going to war for his country is. Thus, he sees fighting in the war is what …show more content…

He always wrote poetry on his own time before and during the war. He was influenced by many Romantic poets, such as, Percy Shelly, John Keats and William Wordsworth. They have played a key role to how Owen expresses his opinion in poetry. Owen later went to England to be enlisted into the Army. After he was well trained, he was diagnosed with shellshock. Owe went to the hospital and met Sassoon for the first time. Owen express his passion for poems to Sassoon. Sassoon later, looked over Owen’s poems and encouraged him to write more. This shows how Sassoon say the unique in Owens work. Also, Sassoon agreed with most of Owens poem and that’s why a lot of people see the similarities in them. For example, when Sassoon wrote “The Rear- Guard” explains how a soldier comes out of a hidden spot and sees a soldier that is dead. As soon as he notice, his craws back into his hidden spot. Also, “They”, he originally discuss the good of the war. However, by the second stanza he explain the horror of the war. Also, “The Rear- Guard” explains how a soldier comes out of a hidden spot and sees a soldier that is dead. As soon as he notice, his craws back into his hidden spot. Similar to what Owen stated in “Dulce Et Decorum Est”. Less than a year after it was written Owen died while leading his men to Sambre canal at …show more content…

was to prove the horrendous of World War I. The poem was to express the truth about the war instead of talk about how patriotic the war is. However, Owen knew that this poem would not be publish. For example, “He knew to be utterly at odds with the belligerent cant that appeared daily in newspapers and in magazines in England” (Parifitt 1-3). This shows how war was taken in English. Many people believed that fighting in the war was a young man’s destiny, however, Owen did not state that in this poem. “Dulce Et Decorum Est” was intended to show the horrors of war instead of critics, such as, Jessie Pope. Jessie Pope wanted to emphasis that young men should fight in the war to prove their chauvinistic. Also, “Dulce et Decorum Est” is seldom considered to be technically Owen’s finest poem” This explains that the poem is not the best from Owen because of the message he tried to leave. The stanza from the poem should be interpreted differently separately. Also, each stanza has a breakdown of what actually went on through the perspective of

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