Will Be Even Worse For Refugees Essay

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‘In 2017 Will be Even Worse for Refugees and Migrants than 2016’ written by Kimberly Curtis is significant as it states that with the current political climate, and the fact that international displacement rates at an all-time high, refugees and migrants will have it harder in 2017 than they have ever had it before. It states that despite the World Humanitarian Summit it looks as though the current migration trends will not change (Curtis, 2017). This story is significant to international relations as it highlights the changes that America is looking to make towards refugees and migrants and it shows that although other countries may soon change government they will not necessarily follow in Donald Trump’s footsteps. Simply stating that several different key states will hold an election does not reinforce or highlight the idea that 2017 will be worse for refugees and migrants than past years. Yes, some political parties may campaign with policies that are harmful and dangerous towards refugees and migrants, but there is no guarantee they will win the elections. Until other governments promise things like walls, …show more content…

Over 130 million people around the world are in need of aid, this number is the greatest is has been since the Second World War. The WHS gained 3000 new commitments and made dozens of new partnerships to help prevent and reduce human suffering. The Agenda for Humanity, a five point action plan was put into place to make 2017 and every year thereafter better for refugees and migrants. One point on the plan is ‘uphold the norms that safeguard humanity’, if such a plan has been put into place how can it be that 2017 will be worse than 2016? It could be said that this is not enough to help aid refuges and migrants but it is definitely a starting point to make 2017 easier for refugees and migrants than past