
William Golding Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Sir William Gerald Golding once said, “Man produces evil as a bee produces honey” (Lambert Bruce). William Golding, “Nobel Prize winner of Literature in1983,”( Liukkonen, Petri, and Ari Pesonen), author of Lord of the Flies believed that people are selfish and cruel people. William Golding was born on September 1911. Ever since Golding was young, he aspired to become an author. Golding tried to write novels but all that was written were unsuccessful. When Golding attended Oxford, his father encouraged William to study nature science but instead, Golding studied English literature. After graduating from Oxford, Golding married Ann Brooksfield in 1938. Together, Golding and Brooksfield had 2 children, Judith and David. Not too long after having children, William decided to be a school teacher “at Bishop Wordsworth's School, (Liukkonen, Petri, and Ari Pesonen). Subsequently, William went to the World War II which was responsible of Golding’s point of view towards human …show more content…

Throughout the time spent during the war, William Golding realized that human beings are selfish, brutal and evil, “The navy…made an enormous impact, exposing him to the incredible cruelty and barbarity of which humankind is capable,” (Lord of the Flies By William Golding William Golding Biography). The article, Golding and War declared, “Golding was horrified by what war revealed about people’s capacity to harm their fellow humans,” (Golding and War). Golding was repelled by how the prisoners were treated brutally and viciously by the Japanese. Golding “gradually learns to see all human nature as savage and unforgiving; he knew that even the ‘goodies’ can become ‘baddies’,” (Golding and War). No matter how good a person may seem, one can change themselves in a blink of an

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