William Shakespeare Figurative Language

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In this sonnet, Shakespeare compares a person to a summer’s day. However, Shakespeare does not reveal the gender of the person that he is referring to. In his comparison, Shakespeare uses lots of imagery word choices to contrast the ever changing summer and the constant beauty of the person. Images that come to mind are calm, sunny afternoons in the open park and rainy, dark days that show nature’s beauty and ugliness. These images of summer are then compared to the constant image of a beautiful woman or handsome man that Shakespeare is writing the sonnet to. The word that best describes the overall connotation of the sonnet would be affection. The feeling of affection is very prominent because the sonnet is about lasting love that holds its …show more content…

This sonnet is about eternal love that will last beyond the realm of time, thus Shakespeare has a passionate voice in his sonnet that was written to his beloved about his true feelings. The tone that he uses can be described as enduring and affectionate, which is shown through his diction. Words like lovely, darling, gold, fair, and eternal are used when describing the person that Shakespeare is referring to. These words are not very complex; however, this diction could fall under a jargon used to portray love. Shakespeare even claims at the end of the sonnet that the audience has a major role in his plan for eternal love. He states that as long as people read this sonnet, then his love for that person will never die. This relates to the message of the sonnet because Shakespeare is explaining that love can last beyond death if people think about their love ones or mention the love between couples. For instance, if a loved one passes away, the love that person has for the him/her still lives on in the memory. Another example is that if a renown couple has their marriage published as facts in a history book then that love continues to exist because we as the audience allow that to happen because we believe that fact to be