William Shakespeare Research Paper

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On April 23, 1616 William Shakespeare died of an unknown cause. Some think that he died from syphilis, typhoid, influenza, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, etc. However, another interesting theory is that someone murdered him. William Shakespeare’s death will forever remain a mystery, but there are many conclusions and evidence to back it up. William Shakespeare was a well-known playwright, actor and poet. He had many successful plays and stories that he wrote. As many people know, Shakespeare had a rivalry with an old friend named Robert Greene. Robert Greene was an English dramatist who also wrote stories, poems, and sonnets. Shakespeare and Greene had always had an ongoing feud about who wrote this and who stole that in their plays. After months, …show more content…

He was jealous of his success and how well-known he was. Once William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet came out, Greene thought that one of the quotes sounded a bit familiar. Greene thought Shakespeare’s words, “When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions!” was a revised version of his words “Agony comes in division, not lone factions.” This made Greene furious because Shakespeare was getting so much attention for this exalting quote when it is so similar to Greene’s quote. Greene started to tell everyone that Shakespeare is a fraud and that he has committed plagiarism, but no one believed him. Everyone thought Greene was absurd for thinking of such a strange and bizarre theis. However, Greene was determined to prove that Shakespeare stole his quote and he would be punished for …show more content…

You heard me, revenge!” Greene exclaims. After the two men were bickering and embarrassing one another, they parted their ways and did not speak to each other for three months. Greene had more rage than he ever did, he is now out for revenge. The three months of silence passed, William Shakespeare had become more popular, wealthier, and honored. During those three months, Greene was plotting his vengeance and studying Shakespeare’s weaknesses and fears. He had been researching about different kinds of chemicals, weapons, poisons, and dangerous products. After Greene came up with the perfect plan, he started right away. He found that every week, Shakespeare would go to the Globe Theater by himself, drink a bottle of beer, sit in the same chair, and watch the play Doctor Faustus. Greene knew that if he disguised himself with the costumes and props from the performers backstage, then Shakespeare would not recognize him and he could get close to him and carry forward with his plan. On April 20, 1616, Robert Greene would get his revenge on William