William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare was, and remains to be, one of the most famous playwrights
(or Writer in general). His work inspired many new writing techniques and established the most basic of jokes-the knock joke of Macbeth. His life was strenuous and had many hardships which influenced his work process and the story of his many plays. He also let himself be inspired by
Roman Theatrical technique. His very psyche was intertwined with that of his characters, shining light on one of the greatest minds of the literary world. The psychoanalysis of this man’s mind would be a freudian nightmare of mental scar tissue. He he had his share of secrets in his lifetime; pedophilia, homosexuality, and drug use to name a few.
William Shakespeare was born in stratford …show more content…

400 years later and his fame still stands, as he lives on through his work repeatedly performed by actors over the years (Shapiro).
Despite his apparent genius, it is easy to see the strange unhinged psyche of the writer, as we all incorporate our personality into our written works. It doesn’t take a professional to interpret the underlying tone of Shakespeare’s work which revolve around the madness of characters that have sprouted from his own mind. Macbeth and Hamlet are prime examples of the dark recesses of a certain writer’s mind. To have been able to portray madness so easily, he must have had some experience in the matter. He describes Hamlet’s descent into madness as an act but it seems throughout the play that Hamlet was mentally ill. He considers suicide multiple
Crane 3 times throughout the story, giving monologues on the pros. and cons. of life and death. “To be, or not to be--that is the question:whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--No more--and by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks …show more content…

He surrounded himself with the work of creating, or recreating, sorrowful tales of misfortune. His most renowned plays were murderous plays for power and madness.
In Macbeth, the mad husband and wife see and hear things unheard by any sane person and death ensues. Macbeth sees spirits of those lost, like Hamlet and presumably Shakespeare.
Not many can put themselves in the shoes of a mad man with such accuracy as to know how they would react to common variables of daily life. Call it genius and intuition all you want, but in a time period where they knew little of psychological disorders Shakespeare accurately described schizophrenia, depression, and P.T.S.D. That doesn’t sound like blind intuition, but experience(#4). It would makes sense considering we often write freely about what we know
Crane 5 best. He also incorporated his sexual preferences into his works, dabbling in homosexuality and pedophilia. He hides these details of his sexual interest almost seamlessly enough that you wouldn’t notice without heavily scrutinizing his writings, which some scholars actually have. For example, a fact that few know is the strange specification of young Juliet’s “age of