
Wilsonianism Essay

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Essay on Wilsonianism

Wilsonianism is a foreign policy ideology named after US President Woodrow Wilson, who served from 1913 to 1921. It was placed around the acceptance that democracy, self-determination, and international cooperation were essential to promote peace and stability in the world. The envisioned message of Wilsonianism was to create a more just and equitable global order in which all nations could live together in peace and prosperity. Woodrow Wilson was a president at a time of significant change and upheaval. The First World War had just begun, and many old colonial empires began to fall. The uprise of new, democratic nation-states presented both opportunities and challenges. Wilson saw this as an opportunity to promote the principles of democracy and self-determination and to build a more peaceful world through …show more content…

The first and most important was the promotion of democracy, both at home and abroad. Wilson believed that all people had the right to live in a free and democratic society and that it was the responsibility of democratic nations to support and promote these values around the world. President Wilson's other goal was to structure a world order on his terms or terms of the US government. However, many critics did not believe that democracy was for all countries. They worried that an international crusade would rage war in the name of peace. The third goal was to create a global market where all could benefit from different countries' products and services. Therefore the president believed that treating everyone the same would create a safe world order. Furthermore, the president s viewpoint was that the international community should work together to promote peace and prevent conflict by establishing international organizations such as the League of Nations. Wilson was theoretically biased toward the US, but his intended audience was the global

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