
Winnie The Pooh: Relevant And Meaningful In Everyday Life

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There is a time in everyone’s life when we wish to be young again. A way I was able to relive a part of my childhood was through Winnie the Pooh, a story of stories. It not only offered me a way to reflect on my childhood but also a way to reflect on myself. At face value, Winnie the Pooh may just seem like a children’s novel, however, the messages behind these stories are relevant and meaningful in everyday life. Throughout each story, it offered me a new way of looking at my surroundings, which helped me understand and appreciate what I have. I also learned about change, and how it isn’t something we should fear but accept and live with instead. Most importantly, it showed me the value of friendship and that we should help each other as much …show more content…

“You never know what you have until it is gone” is a very popular and also very true saying. This expression is shown through many of the stories in Winnie the Pooh and it is demonstrated by many of the characters such as Eeyore, Pooh, and Piglet. It is first shown by Eeyore in chapter 4 when he loses his tail and although he doesn’t realize his tail is missing until Pooh points it out, once he realizes it is missing, he understands the reason for his bad mood. It is not until Pooh returns the missing tail that Eeyore is happy. We often lose things and don’t notice until it is too late, it is at that point when we truly understand what it is that we have lost and that there is anything else that can fill that void. In Pooh’s case we see him often losing, or more accurately eating, his honey and this leads him into difficult situations. …show more content…

We see the characters work together and help each other no matter what it is they are trying to do and regardless of what happens. There are many times throughout the story when Christopher helps Pooh and no matter the situation he never gets mad at Pooh. We see this when Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit’s door, the hole he dug with Piglet, and even in the air hanging onto a balloon while getting stung by bees. Christopher helps Pooh in all of these situations and never once gets mad at him, in fact, he even says “‘How I do love you!’” and even though Christopher accidentally hurts Pooh, he doesn’t get mad at Christopher. Pooh also is always helping his friends like when Eeyore loses his tail or when Roo fell in the pool. Despite Piglet’s insecurities and fears, he is always willing to do something for or with his friend; like when he and Pood tried to capture a Heffalump and a Wozzle, or when he got Eeyore a birthday present and even an expedition to find the North Pole. In every chapter, the characters are willing to help each other out no matter what and they show us what it is like to be true friends. They put others before themselves and go out of their way to help each other if need be. They accept each other’s flaws and move forward

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