Winona Jail Application

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On one summer day in the small town of Winona as I leave my house to walk a street over to my grandparents. I started looking at my community that was branded with the nickname “White City.” Then started to thinking about when I was growing up and how first black fire chief of Winona, an executive member of the Bank of Winona, Civil Right leaders, Coaches, Teachers, Alderman, Police Officers, a doctor, nurses, preachers, entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, blue and white collars, or people who work nine to five job that made up this community was give a White Citizen look at for being black and successful. While others look at us for being black and boujee. They were the days that when you have death in the family it was by natural causes, …show more content…

During summer for two weeks, I was able to go to Piney Wood’s summer camp program, where I got the opportunities to enrich my education for the upcoming year. But one summer year, I got the chance to join a law camp class under the summer camp program. During this class, I was taught by Attorneys, who work for Butler & Snow law firm, on how to dress and perform as a professional. I was taught by instructors, the various roles of an attorney by performing in a mock trial. Where we put into groups and then given an instructor on how to prepare for a case. My group has the class on a principal getting a phone call about a threaten. So, the principal does a warned the students when they came in but the warn was turn to the high sensitivity setting. My client who had a knife that he had forgot in this backpack. I had to prepare and argue to in front of three mock appeals court judges. I thought I was unprepared and nerves because of all the times I should have been in my room preparing, trying to talk the females in class, or just being a class clown that instructor could not get through. Yet, my instructor who face turn from the look of hopeless me with a smile at the end where she knew I had in me. And then judges thought I how presented my case in a way that the mock prosecution to come with their A game. I lost the mock trial but gain a new experience that stepping stone to my next experience. In this experience, my seven-grade career discovery teacher decided he wanted to do a mock trial as plaintiff, Peter Pan versus defendant, Captain Hook. I was appointed by the teacher to be the defense attorney for Hook. All the way up to the day we had the mock trial, my peers belittled me by saying I did not know what to do. My peers felt that this role wasn’t for me and told the teacher that he had made a