John B. Severance's Winston Churchill: Soldier, Artist

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John B. Severance is the author of Winston Churchill: Soldier, Statesman, Artist. Little is known about John B. Severance’s life. He was a high school teacher and he taught history, art history, photography, and English. Along with Winston Churchill: Soldier, Statesman, Artist he wrote five other books. The five other books were Gandhi, Great Soul; Einstein: Visionary Scientist; Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Democracy; Skyscrapers: How America Grew Up; and Braving the Fire. The book Winston Churchill: Soldier, Statesman, Artist has two major themes throughout the book. The first theme is Winston Churchill’s life when he was a soldier and a reporter. The second theme is Winston Churchill’s life as a politician. The last theme is the largest …show more content…

The biography mentions a long list of things that Winston Churchill did while a Member of Parliament. For example, the book mentions about Winston Churchill going all around the world from country to country to talk to its leaders. One example is, “On October 7, Winston flew to Moscow to talk with Stalin about postwar peace in Eastern Europe” (Severance 103). The book also mentions Winston Churchill making many speeches to people all around the world. An example of one of his speeches is “The Sinews of Peace”. This speech was a speech spoken to students of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. The speech was about how the United Nations was a very important organization to the world. The biography also mentions the good ideas Winston Churchill had concerning politics. One such idea was free trade among countries. He thought that free trade would assure peace among the countries. In other words Winston Churchill wanted to abolish tariffs. He thought, “… tariffs would only encourage other nations to create even higher tariffs” (Severance 29). The text states that Winston Churchill wanted to have a balance between a capitalistic and socialistic form of government. The book also mentions his desire for the government to pay more attention to the well being of its citizens. The text states that Winston Churchill also wanted to lower the amount of prisoners in the prisons. He felt that drunks should pay a fine. His philosophy was, “They might have then less money to spend on liquor” (Severance 36). Also the biography mentions that Churchill had ideas of working class juveniles having the same rights as students in university. This came about because young people were in jail because of vandalism and university students could pay a fine but working class juveniles had to spend time in jail. The book also mentions some of the actions Churchill did