Flannery O Connor Wise Blood Analysis

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Wise Blood and The Catholicism
Reem Abbas
Flannery O’Connor is one of the greatest Southern writers during the twentieth century. She is considered as a faithful and a good Christian writer. In her fiction, she never neglects her Catholic concerns. The large respect for O'Connor’s religion appears in most of her literary works. Thus, this paper intends to investigate how the Catholicism of Flannery O'Connor is visible in the characters, plot, and themes of Wise Blood. It is obvious that the explicit religious worldview is the main element of Wise Blood. When the author recognizes that most of the readers will disagree with her beliefs, and she might lose many of her audience, she decides to imbue comedy with religion in her writing. Also, she resorts to the grotesque in her fiction for the same reason. Margert Peller who examines Wise Blood as a "Christian commedia" points out that O.Connor's novel has many thematic parallels to the ancient drama . She describes it as humors and black comedy, Greek tragedy because it has the elements of the traditions of the romance and of grotesque (105) . …show more content…

Throughout the characters of her first novel Wise blood, O’Connor depicts what kind of living has those who pass through spiritual suffering. Their spiritual dilemma will lead them to struggle from displacement during their lives. Beside the displacement suffering, their lives will end in a very tragic way. For example, Insoon Choi marks the main character of wise Blood Hazel Motes “a quintessential displaced person” (174) because he has spiritual suffering. Choi mentions that he was not only displaced from his native land, but also from the whole