Women Did Not Benefit From The Italian Renaissance

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The Italian Renaissance occurred during the 14th century and lasted until the 16th. This was known as a time full of intellectual pursuit and new discoveries. This period of time could be considered Italy’s “golden age” because of all the new inventions and discoveries that happened. The Renaissance was Italy’s unofficial rebirth. During the Renaissance, men became much more educated and were encouraged to be inventors and scholars. However, did women benefit from the Renaissance as much as men did? I believe women did not benefit from the Renaissance since they were told to be seen and not heard, were denied fundamental rights, and were considering property of their husbands, and although they were allowed to be educated, they were rarely able to get a formal education. Women did not benefit from the Renaissance because they were told to be seen, not heard. As a women in the Renaissance, you were told to be seen not heard, preventing your voice and opinions to be heard by anyone. Women were expected to stay at home at all times. When guests came over, they were supposed to be only seen doing housework, and not heard voicing their opinions. From this, women were forced into staying at home and doing household chores and having no say in anything. Women …show more content…

Even though women had no rights at this time in Italian history, women eventually did gain the same rights that men had. Women had no rights and weren’t trusted at all. Even though they had the opportunity to be educated, most women couldn’t enjoy this luxury and were forced to endure living at home doing chores all the time. Women did not benefit from the Renaissance since they were told to be seen and not heard, were denied fundamental rights, and were considering property of their husbands. This also makes me wonder how many women were actually educated during this time