Women In The Cuban Revolution

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The cuban revolution allowed for gender equality and the role of women in cuban society to shift tremendously. The entire system of government changed, Cuban Women were given opportunities to leave their household and get an education, obtain government jobs that were only given to men, and they were granted opportunities that improved the status and the rights of women. Even though, the social and economic circumstances profoundly changed, social relations did not. Women in Cuba still had to fight exploitation, poverty, and violence. Many women were not given opportunities simply because of the color of their skin, notably lower class women who had to grapple with the intersecting, stratifying layers of classism, sexism, and racism in society. Cuba is one of the most developed countries in latin america and has outpaced the united states and other developed countries in terms of gender equality. Attempting to untangle the dynamic of womanhood in the caribbean is more complex than it seems. We have to take a …show more content…

In a speech Fidel says “People need a revolution in order to develop and advance… When the wealth of a nation is in the hands of another nation, a revolution is needed to recover that wealth. When the humble men and women of a country live without work, without land to cultivate, without education, they must create a revolution.” He fought for the underprivileged and oppressed in which gained him the support of thousands of people who fought alongside with him to see a better Cuba. Women’s participation in the cuban revolution was prominent. When he marched into the sierra maestra, he did so with a couple of men and 2 women beside him. He incorporated women into the army and urged women to assume leadership roles. It was during this time when he founded the Federación de Mujeres de Cuba which was an intent to allow women to rally beside each other for gender