Beyond Cub The Far-Reaching Impact Of The Cuban Revolution

1927 Words8 Pages

Cade Powell
Dr. Hogan
His 352
05 May 2023
Beyond Cuba: The Far-Reaching Impact of the Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution was a revolution in Cuba that took place in 1953 and ended in 1959, resulting in the overthrow of the Cuban government and the creation of a socialist nation. Fidel Castro led the revolution, which was backed by other revolutionaries, i.e. Che Guevara. The revolutionaries wanted to overthrow Fulgencio Batista's United States-backed authoritarian regime and establish a socialist state that focused on the needs of the Cuban people. In January 1959, the rebels ousted Batista after a long and difficult fight. Castro became Cuba's leader, and his administration enacted numerous socialist programs such as land …show more content…

secret agents in the fight against communism. In his book, The Real CIA, former CIA agent Lynman Kirkpatrick Jr. talks about his experiences working as a secret operative in Cuba; “My third and last trip was in September 1958. There was still a strong desire to strengthen the BRAC and make its work against the Communists more effective.” Kirkpatrick Jr. also recalls a conversation he had with Ambassador Earl Smith related to CIA activity in Cuba, “Finally, as you well know, we have been doing our best to build up the BRAC, have helped train their people, have provided equipment, and have a full-time liaison officer with them.” The cruelty of the Batista regime ultimately led to widespread opposition and paved the way for the Cuban Revolution. Led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the revolutionaries overthrew Batista's government by 1959 and established a socialist government. After being ousted, Batista fled the country, ending up in exile in Portugal. The effects of Batista's regime continue to be felt in Cuba, with many Cubans still dealing with the trauma from human rights abuses that took place during his time in …show more content…

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