Women In The Handmaid's Tale

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Throughout most of history, women have not been treated equally to men in society. This is especially true in the 1980’s time-period, when this novel was written. Women, overall, were just simply treated with less respect than men. “During the early-1980s there was more approval of a married women earning money in business or industry if she had a husband capable of supporting her,”(Roca 1). The fact that women were able to earn more money was true but, this angered many men causing them to bash on women. Most men did not view they were powerful enough and it was the man’s job to support the family and they would look weak if their wife worked. Women did make many positive steps in the 1980’s pertaining to equal pay and rights. There are examples …show more content…

So the way Margaret Atwood predicted the future through the model was true in sorts of ways. Yes there has been progress made in Women’s rights movement, but women are still not respected as much as they should be. It is exploited in the novel through Offred especially. Offred has no power or freedom to an extent. Most of her days she sits in her room and thinks about her past with her past lover and daughter. Women are not even supposed to use their minds in the world of The Handmaid's Tale. They are forbidden from reading, working outside the home, or even spending money. The government(military) does not care for women’s rights or if they have feelings. Offred and other Handmaid’s in the country have one job, and that is to reproduce. They have to show the utmost respect and attention to everyone else in their society such as the Commander, Commander’s wife, and Nick. There are spies all over and Offred is scared to even trust anyone. Nick has more power and works for the Commander. He is always at the house helping around and near the end of the book Offred ends up having sexaul intercourse with him. Offred never knew if she could trust him throughout the novel, but the whole time he was a spy. It is never revealed to the readers who he worked for as the story ended mysteriously. One day mysteriously her friend had that she walked around with in her free time had been replaced. But when Offred spoke to her she said her name was Ofglen but it was not her and Ofglen decided not to say anything because she know she should not trust anyone. This is another example of women not being respected. Offred cannot even have friends in the grand scheme of things. Straight sign of the lack of respect for