Women In Virgil's Aeneid

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In his poem that takes place in a patriarchal society, Virgil portrays two women of authority: Dido and Camilla. Both of these active women are complex characters in the Aeneid because of their gynandromorphic characteristics. Although they are seen as beautiful, feminine characters, they also hold traditional male positions. Unfortunately, both women stand in the way of fatum: Aeneas finding a new city that would eventually become Rome. Through their intellectual errors and their furor, both Dido and Camilla die. However, these timeless feminine characters will not be forgotten. Virgil's primary reason for using both of the woman in his story of Rome's founding is to show what a great leader should and should not do. Virgil is tipping his hat to Augustus, the "First Citizen" that unites Rome and provides peace after many years of hardship and furor.
Dido is the Queen of Carthage, a city she founds after the death of her husband. She is seen as a woman of authority: urging work, dealing judgement, making laws for her people (Lecture, October 28) in addition to endorsing the "building of a kingdom" (Ae. 1. 620). She gladly takes in the refuges of Troy. From the moment Dido meets Aeneas, she is drawn to him. She considers him as "handsome as a …show more content…

Writing about the dissatisfactory leaders, Virgil is illustrating how great of a leader Augustus is: bringing peace and uniting Rome after many years of hardship. A leader should not fall victim to their passions. Dido, blinded by her love of Aeneas, commits suicide while Camilla, blinded by her lust for battle spoils, does not notice Arruns' spear. According to Virgil, a great leader is one who holds back their passions in addition to practicing moderation. A good leader must also practice self-control on the throne and on the battlefield. All these characteristics of a great leader are found in