Women's Rights In Australia Essay

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The stolen justice
Whipping. Beating. Stoning. No education. No playing sports. No laughing loudly. Basically, women are banned from being a normal human being. Let’s not judge Afghanistan by its country but instead, by the actions of some of their people. Is it fair for women in Afghanistan?
Before the Taliban’s regime, women had more rights and freedoms, and they were surrounded with modern culture and influences. They were able to go to school, learn together with boys and had the right to work. They were up to date with the latest fashion trends like wearing skirts and scarf, and dyeing blonde hair. Based on Latifa in ‘My Forbidden Face’, her usual gear “is jogging trousers, a polo neck or pullover and trainers.” Pretty shocking, isn’t …show more content…

They are able to go to state schools and study English, Maths, Science, etc. It is optional for them to wear colourful hijab and they are more westernised. They are allowed to have a job and work for the parliament. They believe that their rights are “recognised in Islam”, and that males and females have the equal rights. In addition, they described the religious girls as “black crows".
Yet, until today, women cannot escape from the traditional society in Afghanistan despite the increasing recognition of women’s rights. Recently, a 27-year-old Muslim women was brutally murdered by a mob in Kabul, Afghanistan after she was falsely accused of burning a Quran. We can see for ourselves the fact that justice is distorted here. She was “viciously beaten”, “stoned”, “deliberately run over by a car”, “thrown into a dry river bed”, crushed with larger stones”, and lastly, “set on fire”. People seriously have to face the facts. She was treated worse than an animal.
Adding to that, every year, 15 million girls are sold off to be married as children, their rights for health, education and opportunities are stolen from their childhood. If this kind of problem persists and we do not do anything about it, by 2050, there will 16.5 million children married per