
Women's Rights In The 1980s

148 Words1 Pages
Jesse Hu

Professor Leonor

English 100

04 december 2017

Before the 1980s, women were struggling about their right. The world did not treat men and women equally. In the society of Gilead, women who can get pregnant became a tool for society.The woman who can give birth is label as the handmaid. The Republic of Gilead is a very religious and militaristic country; they control all the handmaid in this country. Under the control of the Republic of Gilead, women have to go to religious school, and they have to follow all the strict laws in that country. Women and men were not equal in the 1980s, This sharp the society in Gilead.

In the 1980s, the women's movement has focused on many issues. These include reproductive rights, and woman's
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