Women's Role In The Nazi Regime

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Some women were active in supporting Hitler's aim within the Nazi regime. This scenario is evident, as seen through a large number of female supporters who voted to give rise to the Nazi party in 1932 and 1933. (Koonz 1988, 4).Some women who found Hitler’s campaign attractive took their initiative to forming auxiliary organizations such as the creation of the Women’s Battle League in 1926, which served the purpose of socially and politically integrating women into the new national community (Lower 2013, 19).
As German feminist researcher Adelheid von Saldern states, “We cannot be satisfied with a description of women as merely the victims and the objects of Nazi policy. (Saldern, 151)” The Aryan woman did not hide in the shadows of the Regime’s body, but actively worked in the public domain as many became members of the BdM and NS-Frauenschaft. Many women accepted jobs as nurses and …show more content…

Other groups include the Reich Association of Housewives, who were a group of women (predominantly married homemakers) that boasted a tradition of female independence dating back to the early 1930’s. They cooperated with the Nazi party to educating servants to resist Bolshevik teachings and doctrines (Koonz 1987, 160). They were also one of the first groups of people who had discussed sterilization programs before the Third Reich promoted it throughout Germany. As Koonz writes, “the Deutsche Hausfrau (German Housewife) popularized eugenics, quoting Mein Kampf, urging their readers to march along with the “population political campaign” to sterilize all “unworthies.” (Koonz 1987, 161). Besides participating in more women interest based organizations, German women were also permitted to join the elite terror organizations of special auxiliary corps of