Age Differences In Work-Based Learning

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The following pages contain the variables of our study and the indicators that we are going to use in order to justify the variables used in our study. The discussions pertaining to the significance of variables used are presented and followed by the process and progress of the desired result of our research.

Profile of the Respondents
These variables divided into 3 sub variables which is the Age, Sex, and Year level.
Age is the total number of years a certain person has existed. It is included in our stages of life. There is also a belief that the longer a person has existed the more he/she can compete through others in terms of any aspects. . Nevertheless, Bartram (2009) suggests that the differences in leadership between people with …show more content…

A further definition of work-based learning which encompasses foundation degrees is provided by Sodiechowska and Maisch where students are full-time employees who’s programmed of study is embedded in the workplace and is designed to meet the learning needs of the employees and the aims of the organization.

Evans, Guile and Harris (2009) stated that Work- Based Learning or workplace learning has not unexpectedly been theorized, much of the literature is derived from studies into different forms of learning which have been of interest to university Schools of Education, Adult and Continuing Education, and many higher education subjects. The increasing interest in professional practice has also stimulated study and writing particularly about contextual knowledge and …show more content…

In fact, what we term vocational and technical education was the premise of his assertions during the late 19th and early 20th century. He firmly believed that life and learning should be uniquely integrated. “The inclination to learn from life itself and to make the conditions of life such that all will learn in the process of living is the finest product of schooling.” He believed that the best way to do this is to integrate the working world with education curriculum. In speaking of this connection, Dewey connotes: “When exercises which are prompted by these instincts are a part of the regular school program, the whole pupil is engaged, the artificial gap between life in school and out is reduced, motives are afforded for attention to a large variety of materials and processes distinctly educative in effect, and co-operative associations which give information in a social setting are provided.” He believed that this was the model for all education, not just for what we previously ascribed to vocational education or in today's career and technical education programs. He saw the K-12 system as a precursor, or apprenticeship, to the working world. Thus, education should emphasis the skills, social conditions, and attitudes of that world into the general education mix, or learning process.

Work-based learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that provides students with real life work experiences