Evolution Of Charter Schools Essay

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Educators, Professional Organizations, and Researchers have written extensively on the topic of charter schools in general, but little research exists on the topic of charter schools in Virginia. This chapter presents a review of the literature on charter schools, including how they operate and are funded. It also provides an exploration of the history of related education reform in Virginia which informs a short discussion of the barriers to charter school proliferation in Virginia.
American Education America’s public schools were designed to put children into two groups—small thinkers and large doers—since Thomas Jefferson as Governor of Virginia defined the two roles of public education in the late 18th century (Vollmer, 2010). …show more content…

According to the University of Chicago’s 100 year history of charter schools, In January, 1896, John Dewey, a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago started a creative and innovative elementary school. His intention was to challenge conventional conservative attitudes about childhood education and to discover, much like the charter schools of today. Dewey, believed that the most effective schools, were those that constituted small communities and that students learned best while engaged in activities that involved creative problem-solving and responsibilities to fellow …show more content…

According to the University of Chicago’s 100 year history of charter schools, In January, 1896, John Dewey, a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago started a creative and innovative elementary school. His intention was to challenge conventional conservative attitudes about childhood education and to discover, much like the charter schools of today. Dewey, believed that the most effective schools, were those that constituted small communities and that students learned best while engaged in activities that involved creative problem-solving and responsibilities to fellow