Work Cited For 13 Reasons Why

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The Importance of Fiction In the book 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, It deals with the life of Hannah Baker, more specifically, why her life ended. Hannah went through a difficult life, dealing with many things that everyday students also have to deal with. Hannah was bullied, had rumors spread about her, and has had friends stab her in the back. All of this, in just over the course of 2 years, takes a toll on someone, especially when they’re going through it alone. Overall, this book deals with Hannah and her journey through the last years of her life. First the rumors, then the reputation, then the loneliness. Everything adds up, even what seems to be the smallest things all add up to a much bigger problem. Even though this book is fiction, …show more content…

In high school, bullying is one of the biggest issues in today’s society and affects almost 3.2 million kids each year. The effects of bullying is a long-term issue and can cause more problems like, depression, health problems, and suicidal thoughts or actions. Another problem is the fact that over 64% of kids don’t report being bullied or make an attempt to get help. Bullying can actually lead to even more drastic problems, like, attempting suicide, and school shootings. This is another reason why fiction books are important. There are many other books that relate to 13 reasons why like, The Burn Journal by Brent Runyon, and A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. Each has a different message that relates back to bullying and the real life effects of it. In an article by Violence Prevention Works, its states that suicide is third leading cause in teen deaths and most, has been an effect of bullying (Snyder 2). Almost all of these deaths could have been preventable at some point, and it’s our job to teach others not to bully, whether that be through teaching, or by books. Not only can bullying end someone’s life, it could ruin someone’s life. In another article by The National Bullying Prevention Center, it says that most victims of bullying can become ill, miss too much school, and have failing grades (Nixon 1). Not only is this affecting their lives then, but also in the future. If an A student drops down to a D student, it pretty much ruins their chances from getting into any good colleges. As an effect of this, it can ruin their career if any. This can ruin someone’s whole life. I don’t think the bully fully understands that they can literally ruin someone's life just because they’re miserable too. Actually, over 70 percent of bullies, were bullied themselves or have other home