Deep Learning Vs Working Memory

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The two definitions, working memory and deep learning describe the same phenomena. They describe the highpoint of learning outcomes. Both are manifested within the student and depend on the functions of their brain. The focus of this working memory is not an inevitable product of the lesson, the teacher or the classroom. It can only occur if conditions elsewhere allow. That is demands from alternate needs are not diverting attention away from the lesson.

By understanding the organisation involved in the production of memories, their recall and their predictive qualities educators can establish conditions that enhance the student’s formation of memories appropriate to the lesson. In a subtle sense understanding the student’s needs …show more content…

Like physical memories, social memories are implicit, non-declarative and are linked to our homeostatic status.

This learning, memory foundation is located in a more recently evolved part of the brain, mostly in what is called the limbic system. The limbic system sits above the brain stem and mid brain but it is not separate from it. Keep in mind that in all assertions made in this paper it is important to keep in mind all the brain is interconnected all the time. It is easier to refer to the individual sites as if their functions are independent but more important is that all the brain acts all the time.

It is far too simplistic to make the claim that the limbic system is for memories around behaviours to do with social matters. The limbic system houses critical functions, which drive all behaviour and monitor all drives. For this work the following parts are important and briefly described …show more content…

The thalamus then projects the messages on to the appropriate part of the brain. Importantly every incoming stimulus is first sent to the amygdala to assess the level of threat it presents.
Amygdala: The amygdala is the centre of emotions and feelings. It provides protection from threat and can generate a flight/fight response in milliseconds. The amygdala also provides the impetus for the formation of memories in all areas of the brain.
Hippocampus: The hippocampus, in the first instance puts ‘reasoning’ on the presented stimulus. This cognition progressively becomes shared with the prefrontal lobes as we mature. The hippocampus is important in the formation of new memories that can be held in the short term. If memories are to become long term then the hippocampus controls their distribution and subsequent recovery across the brain. The hippocampus can be seen as the librarian of