Workplace Bullying

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Bullying at workplace is about repeated activities and practises that are directed against one or more workers that are unwanted by the victim; that may be carried out deliberately or unconsciously. This unethically behaviour clearly may cause humiliation, offence, and distress; and may interfere with work performance or cause an unpleasant working condition (Einarsen and Raknes, 1997). According to Leymann (1996) and Olweus (1987), workplace bullying can be defines as negative behaviour from someone to others that constantly occur. The psychological nature is the main exposure to negative and aggressive behaviour that related with concept of bullying at workplace.

British journalist Andrea Adams devised the phrase “workplace bullying” to define a group of harassing behaviour that employees may be exposed to at any period of their vocation, irrespective of their association in a protected class based on gender, ethnicity, age, etc. (Leymann, 1990). Workplace bullying is also defined as the recurrentill-treatment of one employee who is targeted by one or more employees with a malicious mix of humiliation, intimidation and sabotage of performance (Margaret, 2007). Based on a study by …show more content…

(2001) found that bullying can be physical or spiritual attacks done repeatedly, with the intention to intimidate, create an unpleasant environment or cause feelings of anxiety. Shapiro, Baumeister, and Kessler (1991) identifies bullying as negative actions, whether done directly by the agent (bullies) on the target or victim in the form of verbal, physical or psychological. O’Driscoll et. al (2011) identified workplace bullying as becoming a major concern, not only between workers and in organizations, but it everywhere. Studies have reported the serious of the negative consequences of bullying. There are two obvious effect of workplace bullying which physical and physiology effect. This effect is usually in terms of stress and it is repetitive (Heames and Harvey,