Bullying In The Workplace: Article Analysis

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D’Cruz, Premilla. "Interpersonal Bullying at Work as the Conceptual Benchmark for De personalized Bullying at Work." SpringerBriefs in Psychology Depersonalized Bullying at Work (2014): 7-20. Print. In this article “bullying” is defined as a non-physical form of violence which can lead to emotional harm. In the workplace bullying can be rewarded unconsciously. This can happen in many ways such as promotions, and celebratory comments. Bullying can also be encouraged by not getting punished. The article goes on to say that the workplace turns everything into a competition so that the employees can work harder. This isn’t always the best method because there can only be one winner. Essentially, its the “crabs-in-a-barrel” effect. Leigh, …show more content…

The author encourages employees to take workplace bullying as a serious offense. The traditional forms of oppression not only restrict women in the workplace, but also in the home. This article is particularly important because it proves that the amount of money the secondary partner (women) makes is insignificant. This spreads gender discrimination in families, schools, and communities. This teaches children that men are superior to women although they work equally as hard. Leskinen, Emily A., Verónica Caridad Rabelo, and Lilia M. Cortina. "Gender Stereotyp- ing And Harassment: A 'Catch-22 ' For Women In The Workplace." Psychology, Public Policy, And Law 21.2 (2015): 192-204. PsycARTICLES. Web. 5 Nov. 2015 This article focuses gender stereotyping and the negative influences it has on hard working women in the workplace. Gender stereotyping usually correlates with gender discrimination. Gender discrimination can have oppressive ramifications such as sexual harassment, lack of promotions, and even unequal pay for equal work. Although there are many laws that are enforced to prevent gender discrimination, nothing has changed over the last few decades. The article goes on to say that gender discrimination not only effects women, but also gay men. Macklem, Gayle L. "Age and Gender Variables in Bullying." Bullying and Teasing: 49-60.