Marina Camodeca Bullying Essay

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INTRODUCTION Bullying is a form of an emotional expression according to researchers Marina Camodeca and Frits A. Goosens. The intentional action to cause mental or physical harm to another person in order to share the same feeling of fear, anger, guilt, or shame which could be feelings the bully may have during this power struggle. In 2005, Camodeca and Goosens created an observational study among children to study the social interaction and expressed emotional reactions in a hypothetical bullying situation in order to study emotions that occur during the bullying cycle.
Goosens and Camodeca expect to be able to distinguish and observe the similarities and differences in between the expressed emotions of the bully, victim, and witnessing children. The witnesses believe both the bully and victim will have similar opinions towards the aggression and will choose to respond with the same aggression to defend themselves. They believe the bully expresses their emotion in this form to earn a reward of positive emotions to have the victim gain their negative emotions. Both the bully and the victim are expected to experience sadness and anger towards the bullying cycle.
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With the consent of each of the children’s parent or guardian, the researchers sent a four scenario questionnaire to the teachers of the subjects too complete in the classroom. The questionnaire focused on measuring each child’s social information processing and to test the expression of anger and sadness. After the review based on the reaction of the child’s individual social information processing and reaction to anger and sadness, they were places into one of five categories: bully, follower of the bully, victim, defended of the victim, and not