Non-Harassment Policy

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Non-Harassment and Workplace Violence Policy 1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to create a framework of the firm’s policy for providing a workplace that is free of unlawful and improper harassment, violence, and promotes respect for employees at ________. 2. Procedure Description: • _________________ is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment within the workplace. _____________ forbids sexual, racial and other harassment based on protected group status and will not tolerate any form of harassment, including sexual harassment in violation of this procedure. 3. Corporate Statement • _______________ is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful discrimination, including …show more content…

• All employees are responsible to make sure the workplace is free from prohibited harassment and violence. In addition, employees are expected to avoid any behavior, conduct and report that can reasonably could be interpreted or prohibited. 4. Prohibited …show more content…

d) Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. • ______________________’s Non-Harassment and Workplace Violence policy bans any conduct based on sex. This includes directed toward an individual of the opposite or same sex regardless if it surges to the level of legal violation. 6. Workplace Violence • Workplace violence is defined as any act or threat committed by an employee, supervisor, third party which includes vendors, clients, partners, and visitors at the workplace or work sites. Some of these aspects include harassment, intimidation, bullying, intimidation, battery or behavior that causes another person to experience a feasible fear of injury. • Possessions of weapons • Any employee prohibits possessions of weapons such as guns, mace, explosive or items with the possible notion to wreak harm. A license permitting an employee to carry a weapon in the office does not overrule company policy unless law requires