Worldview Analysis Essay

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Worldview Analysis The primary tenets of education Colonial America, were first and foremost, to know God through reading His Word, followed by writing and arithmetic. The importance of the Christian Biblical Worldview were publicized through the establishment of the Massachusetts Law of 1642, which required that parents or guardians educate their children in principles of religion and the capital laws of the commonwealth. The shift in America education occurred during the social and intellectual movement of the 18th Century Enlightenment Period. Initiated by the Scientific Revolution, it further expounded on the philosophy of a natural and humanistic approach to seeking answers to our how man and the world came to exist, thus quelling …show more content…

This flawed ideology of unanimity between God, man, and nature as expressed in the writings of Waldo Emerson’s “Nature” essays (XVIII) (Emerson, pages 16-17), is also evident in Adam Heinrich Müller’s philosophy in which he declares that the state and the nation, lay the basis for man’s entire being, existence and identity (Goetz, pages 281-282). The Romanticism-Transcendentalism socialist view of society, civil-government and pecuniary autonomy incited the 1848 conflicts in European capitals as well as the Civil War (Ferdon, page 114). The consequences of denying the sovereignty of God and His place at the head of the covenant of all institutions, has established a gateway for the evils of destructive process philosophical ideologies, whose sole purpose is to eradicate Christianity and strip us of our God given rights as defined in the Declaration of Independence and lawfully established in the constitution. Intellectuals, even after realizing the flaws of the Romanticism-Transcendentalism movement, continued to rebuke the existence of God and Biblical truths by embracing process philosophies that fostered