Write An Essay On Alzheimer's

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Alzheimer’s is a deteriorating disorder that occurs due to nerve cells in the cerebral cortex (the portion of the brain that controls thinking) to increasingly shrink in size and weaken. This process occurring will interfere with every day messages needed to do daily activities. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is indefinite, although there are several factors that have been associated such as a lack in the brain’s neurotransmitter materials, genetics, toxins from the environment, and viruses. Alzheimer’s is more than just loss of memory. It creates increasing changes to a patient’s personality, intelligence, motor function, sensation, and all other overall functions of the body. A person with Alzheimer’s disease might begin having a shorter attention span, have trouble making decisions, and have an inability to perform every day activities. A patient with Alzheimer’s disease will have personality deficits such as an unintentional temper, have hallucinations, and will often refuse to participate in most things. Some stress deficits that occur would be …show more content…

The first stage begins with forgetfulness making the patient forget particularly current events and losing things needed like car keys. The second stage of Alzheimer’s includes confusion and can be dangerous. In this stage the patient may forget how to perform their job, manage money, or even drive a car. In the third stage, an Alzheimer patient will refuse to participate in everyday activities of living. In this stage, the patient will forget how to eat, how to groom themselves, and will often wander around at night time lost. In this stage, word confusion also occurs making the patient not make any sense. The last stage of Alzheimer’s includes complete deterioration in which the patient becomes bedridden not recognizing themselves or family members. In this final stage, talking completely stops and the patient may scream and make other

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