
Writing Process Essay

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You have finally decided that you want to write a book. You have determination, grit, and a laptop, but where do you start? If you plan carefully and then work through all of the steps that it takes to go from a blank page to thousands of written word, then you will be able to accomplish your goal!

1. Choose your topic

It should be something that you have a lot of knowledge about or that you can’t stop talking about. You are going to be thinking and talking about this topic for several months, maybe even years, so don’t choose a topic that you are going to be bored with in a few weeks.

2. Plan your book

The planning phase is important because it’s the road map that guides you through the original idea from start to finish. When you have …show more content…

Using the outline you created in step two, you will divide each chapter into a conversation that you will have with one or two people. Next, you sit down with friends or colleagues and discuss each chapter. Identify what the important points are that you want to make in each chapter. How will you meet the emotional needs of your target market and address those in each chapter? Make notes as you move through the chapter or you won’t be able to recall the discussion. You may also consider recording the conversations. Next, transcribe the conversation and create a detailed outline from that conversation. All of the main points that you want to cover in your chapter should be in that …show more content…

Work through your itemized list and find out if you will need any more data or information before you start writing. If you need to make certain points or set out some facts, you may need to do some research into that area so that your writing is accurate. Once you have located the information that you need, it can simply be inserted into the correct place contained in the outline. As you work through your outline, you will naturally encounter things that you would like to change, remove, add, or move around. You are free to do this, it’s your book and organization and rearrangement will only serve to make your draft

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