Wrongful Convictions Pros And Cons

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Wrongful Conviction 11
Every year there is 2 million people convicted for a crime 1 percent of those people are wrongfully convicted which would mean 20,000 people a year have a chance being innocent. Despite the growing number of people who go through this not many people would believe the convicted when they claim their innocent. There is a problem that does continue to grow, but should the wrongfully convicted be compensated, how would the amount be decided, should all states part take.
When wrongful conviction comes to mind no one thinks about how big of a problem it has come to become. Many of the people who were apart of this were in many cases left for a jury to decide based on evidence provided. It is as simple as a DNA test to have someone released on a crime they didn’t commit. According to Huffington Post in 2015, over 149 were released on a wrongful conviction being out highest number in years. (Ferner 2016) The most common reason for the convicted is eyewitness misinterpretation, when the witness is left to decide who they thought it could've been. …show more content…

Their goal is to reform how our justice system works and to prevent future injustices, they have freed 351 people just based on DNA. Out of the 351 that were released 256 were compensated the Innocence Project pushes to help get the convicted compensated. They recommend that all states should offer a minimum of 50,000 a year for every year a person spends in prison. (Innocence Project 2014) Currently only 32 states in the United States offer compensation and have some sort of statutes for the wrongfully