Xenophobia In Germany

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Name:Emre Arsan
Student ID:20901413
Course:IR 227-2 Issues affecting Turkey’s relation with Germany: “Xenophobia” and German People’s attitude towards Turkish immigrants
There are a few instincts that shape individual’s attitudes towards strangers. The meaning of stranger however, is something that changes based on people’s perspective. Strangers are mostly the ones, who are the outsiders person’s family or outside the country. The feeling of patriotism and racism can be listed under these feelings. Xenophobia is a concept that is directly related to this issue. As defined by Faruk Şen (2002), “Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an "uncritical exaltation of another culture" in which a culture is ascribed "an unreal, stereotyped …show more content…

With the increase in Turkish population, German people started to show their complaints. At first, it was an advantage for them in terms of cheap labor while the situation turned into a threat in time with hundreds of thousands Turkish people living in their country. As stated by Faruk Şen (2002), “it is important to consider that none of the members of the two groups (Germans, Turkish workers) would have thought that they would stay longer than two years, as it was stated in the recruitment treaties.” (p.3) However at the end, the problem has reached to a point where these immigrants started to enter the German market thanks to the money they have earned and saved over the years they have stayed in Germany. Here, considering the approach of Roamer and Lee, it can be seen easily that German people started to become deeply concerned about losing their economic resources to the Turkish workers, who started to invade their …show more content…

Managing the migrant education problem with policies is the way towards integration, even though it is a long-term solution. Some of the migrants think that they will starting to lose their culture and will be assimilated in this purpose. That’s why it is a long-term strong decision policy to make. But as it is shown in some studies, the expectations are on its contrary that mostly they don’t neither their culture or their religion Traditional perspective related immigration policy making by demonstrating that policy making is not a void of international influences. On the contrary it is the external models that influence immigration policy making in different