Xiumin Persuasive Letter

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It is in my best interest to write this letter to you, on behalf of this newfound nation, Xiumin. In order for this nation to develop successfully, I believe it is only right to inform you on what is needed for Xiumin for it to become a successful and well rising nation. To do that, we must look back at the past, see what other civilizations have done and reflect on the good and bad points of these historical moments. We can learn a lot from the mistakes of the past and also see where they went wrong, as well as, build off of where they went right. I believe a successful nation is one that will not discriminate, refuse rights to the people and also continue to provide for their nation and people in the best way possible. Xiumin should be …show more content…

While they will be treated equally, their taxes however will differ. Upper typically will pay more taxes, and Lower will typically pay less. This is to help those with less money. The taxes will go towards health care, and providing financial aid. A child has to attend school, if whoever is providing for them can pay for it. Similar to the USA, At the age of 16, a teen can be able to start learning to drive and 6 months later, if enough driving hours are filled out, they can receive their permit. With a permit, they must be driving with someone who is over 18 with a full driving license. If however, that teen is in a situation where they might need to get their driving license early, at about 14 or 15, They are allowed to fill out a special form, in order to get their driving license at an earlier time. This form will evaluate their family situation and the reasons as to why they might need their license to be established early. A person may not drive under the influence. You must be over 23 to be able to legally drink. Smoking is outlawed and will not be sold, distributed or manufactured at all. If cigarettes or cigars are found smuggled, they will be confiscated and that person may be sent to Pre Jail. The jail system is set into 3 categories. The first is jail for minors (Anyone who is or is under 17) which is Tet Jail, and those there may only be there for up to 10 months. If however, they have done something worthy of jail time over 10 months, they will be sent to either Pre Jail, or Met Jail depending on court's decision. Pre Jail is for those who have smuggled, been under the influence whilst driving and other somewhat minor incidents. As for Met Jail, it is meant for those who have committed serious crimes worthy of more than 3 years. There will be a jury, composed of the public who take a test to be able to be participate, a judge and 2 consultants to express their opinions to the judge.