Dental Model Analysis

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INTRODUCTION There are several types of congenital craniofacial anomalies, most frequent of which are orofacial clefts that encompass the cleft lip and palate (CLP), which occurs when embryonic facial processes fail to unite (1). The complications associated with CLP are maxillary growth aberrations and high occurrence of Class III malocclusions. In children with CLP, aberrations in number, size, shape, and period of tooth formation are more common than in the non-cleft population. Orthodontic abnormalities such as crowding, rotation, and malposition of teeth are also frequent in patients with CLP (2). ‘In the orthodontic context, an index is used to designate a rating or as a categorising system that assigns a numerical score or alphanumeric …show more content…

Goslon Yardstick 5-year-old index Dental model analysis Regarding both indices, no significant differences were found. However, the dental arch width showed some significant variations Table 1: Table of included 13 articles DISCUSSION GOSLON Yardstick The Great Ormond Street, London and Oslo, Norway (GOSLON) Yardstick was developed for categorising the degree of malocclusion (maxillary growth) with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). The GOSLON Yardstick was introduced by Mars et al. (4). Contrasting other systems, the GOSLON Yardstick is treatment-linked (e.g. anterior crossbite with retroclination of the incisors can be corrected more easily than anterior crossbite with normal incisor inclination) and is therefore more useful than a specific anomaly-score alone. Not only the enucleating effect but also the hereditary skeletal pattern is addressed by this scoring system, as it is based on the prospects for orthodontic rectification. The system was developed for categorising the degree of malocclusion in 10-year-old children with UCLP, examined in the late mixed or early permanent dentition (4). It categorises malocclusions in patients with UCLP according to antero-posterior arch, vertical labial segment, and transverse relationships. Fig 2 shows the different categories of the GOSLON’s

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