Year 11 World History Essay

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1. Constantine was a former soldier that was given the title of Cesare of the West (in the Roman Tetrarchy created by Diocletian), and was assigned to the furthest reach of the empire which was the English city of York.
2. Constantine issues the Edict of Milan which declared official tolerance for Christianity. He also demanded the Christians to change their day of worship from the Hebrew Sabbath to the Roman day of the Sun.
3. Constantine was originally a traditional Pagan, but on his way to battle he sees the sign of the cross on the face of the sun. He hears an awesome voice that announces his destiny, and tells him that he is to conquer through the sign of the cross. He realizes that it is through Christ that he will win this battle. He listens and is victorious, and …show more content…

The Gnostics believed that the world was created by a blind and insane angel named Abraxas who believed he was God. Jesus was then sent to redeem humanity from this tyrannical spirit and did so by escaping from the cross. The also believed that there was a great mother goddess who was in charge of the God of the Old Testament.
6. Arius was a priest who was also a member of the Council f Nicaea.
7. Arius believed that since Jesus is called the son of God, he cannot be equal and identical to God the father. Jesus was more than man but less than God.
8. The Council of Nicaea was a meeting of Bishops (a convention of Clerical bureaucrats) to decide on a definitive interpretation of the Trinity, and setting a date for Easter along with many other important issues.
9. The important question that the Council of Nicaea addressed was in regards to the nature of Jesus and of God, and how Jesus was related to God.
10. The Council of Nicaea gave Christianity a definitive answer about the nature of Jesus, and stated that Jesus is of the same substance as God. They also created a creed that all Christians must adhere to, and created a confession of faith.
11. 325 AD. is the date for the Council of