Year 7 Students Should Study Indigenous Literature In Australia

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I wholeheartedly believe that Australian literature must be learnt by year 7 students in all schools as it teaches us of our past and the way to live in life. Indigenous, Anzac and Multicultural Australian literature all teach the youth of our country the importance perseverance and originality and it is a genuine representation of our past and multicultural country that we are absolutely fortunate to live in. To begin with I wholeheartedly believe that all year 7 students should study Indigenous literature as it represents the authentic owners of this thriving multicultural land. The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal understanding of the world, of its creation, and its marvellous stories. The Dreamtime is the beginning of knowledge, from which …show more content…

What is Multiculturalism? Australia, we are multicultural. Australia is a completely diverse and cultural country. The New Census data reports that almost a quarter of Australia’s population (24.6 percent) were born overseas, making us very diverse. Australia has wide rage of ethnic groups ranging from Chinese and Turkish, to Arabic, Lebanese and Indian. Australia has been supporting other cultures and skin colours for a very long time, but it hasn’t always been all fun and games. In the 1900’s, the Australian government decided that Australia was going to be a white country in the future. In order to do that they stole all the Aboriginal children of Australia, they forcibly took them away from their parents and sent them off to white foster homes where they were going to be raised white with a growth mindset. There was nothing to do, Australia was to be a white society and country. Eventually in the 1969 after lots of fighting and riots, the madness had finally ended, but the apology wasn’t until 2012. This all teaches us to never discriminate of other races, or as a matter of fact,