Year Of The Tiger Comparison Essay

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Essay Topic - Compare Ren and Hu, in what ways are they similar and different

The novel, Year of The Tiger written by Alison Llyod and is taken place in ancient China during the Han Dynasty. The story is set in the city of Beicheng, which is followed by two very different types of boys one named Hu who is a peasant, and Ren who is a Noble. Even though Ren and Hu may be different in many ways, for example, they're social classes and the amount of love they get from their family, they do have similarities, such as them both loving the Legend of the Archer Yi; I will explain this in more detail to prove my points.

You'll be surprised to know that Ren and Hu have a very similar personalities, how? Well they are both entertained and intrigued by the Legend of the Archer Yi. For more detailed information, referee to page 22 (iPad), as said, Hu is excited to be performing the Legend of Archer Yi, since he said it with so much enthusiasm and excitement that proves that he must like it, if he didn't he would have groan, or gotten upset but instead he was happy. As for Ren, if you also look back at page 28 - 31 (iPad), Ren went to instinct measures, to watch the play/performance, he went on the top of the roof risking his life and/or risking any other serious injury he could have gotten himself into just by taking one wrong step. With the …show more content…

Ren is a Nobelman, which means that he is near the top of the Ancient China Hierarchy (social class), and Hu, he is peasant, which is in between all the social classes. As hard as Hu tries to be a Nobel, it's nearly impossible, why because many reasons, for example, the taxes the peasants have to pay is high, which puts them in a risking place that leads them to being low on money and can't afford many things like them not supporting their families or themselves. This proves that, Ren and Hu have