Yerkes Dodson Law Case Study

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Managing Stress

Yerkes-Dodson Law

The Yerkes-Dodson Law suggested that there is a distinct link between arousal (stress) and performance, however after reaching peak stress and performance, increased stress reduces performance. This bell graph visually illustrates The Yerkes-Dodson Law.
To achieve optimal performance, stress should be managed within a the productive range. 4 A’s of Stress Management

Avoid Unnecessary Stressors

-Learn to say “no” to unnecessary additional responsibilities. -Avoid stressful situations. Limit the amount of time you spend with stressful people and events. -Focus on must do instead of should do.

Alter the stressor

-Express your feelings. Without voicing your feelings, others may not recognise that that are a cause of stress to you and the situation will …show more content…

Take 5 slow, deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth.
2. Look for 5 different textures, colours or shapes you can see around you.
3. Listen for 5 different sounds.
4. Ask yourself “Where am I?”
5. Ask yourself “What am I doing?”

Adapted From Russell Harris - “Act Mindfully” (2007)

Mindfulness of Breath Meditation

Mindfulness of breath is a mindfulness meditation exercise, aiming to teach acceptance of feelings rather than feeding a habitual cycle of avoidance. Though this activity involves breathing, its focus is on paying attention and objectively observing thoughts.

Time Required: 15 minutes daily for at least a week.

1. Sit comfortably in an upright position. Avoid lying down as to remain actively involved in the meditation rather than sleep.

2. Focus all your attention on the entrance to your nostrils, observing the breath as it flows in and out. Breathe as you need to breathe, without controlling or interfering with the breath.

3. Observe whether the breath is more through the left or right nostril, if it is deep or shallow, fast or slow. When you are aware of the incoming breath, there is no past or future, you are in the present

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