
Youth Football Argumentative Essay

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Numerous people may agree or disagree with the idea of youth football. A young boy may find enjoyment playing the famous American sport. Football provides several qualities and benefits in the development of a youth’s life. Parents support their child by taking them to practices and games devoting time to them. Football offers kids enjoyment while being active helping them stay in shape. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, states that the percentages of children being affected by obesity has tripled since 1970s. Resulting, in 1 to 5 school age children and young people with obesity in the United States. Informing parents the major outcome of children not being active. Involving kids in a sport benefits their health and well-being. Especially a young boy who energy levels are increasingly high at a young age. Football provides a solution for young boys to maintain in shape and cope with their energy levels. Youth football helps kids develop great qualities at a young age useful for the future and present. Significant qualities being taught are the value of teamwork, …show more content…

A number of studies found that exercise increases blood flow to the brain helping the body build connections between nerves (Khelil). Khelil explains the more connections between nerves leads to a increased concentration, better memorization and developing problem solving. All these are factors needed to be implied in school in order to get those good grades every parent expects. Football involves many exercises and running that will contribute to helping your brain function more potently to concentrating on topics and not spacing out. Your brain is able to concentrate on gathering information and memorizing what one need to know more effectively then someone who is not active. In football athletes need to learn their positions in order to play their part in the game requiring plenty of

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