
An Analysis Of Yusef's Poem 'Facing It'

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Yusef's poem, "Facing It" is an accurate reflection of what happens in the face of the world due to war and turmoil. The affected party is always on the eve of building unforgettable memories from life experiences. Controlling such experiences proves difficult since the haunted, lives under the burden of regret for a longer period if not a lifetime depression. For example, when one loss the people who have been close to him due to war or turmoil, he will always think of this and may be a permanent mark in one's life.
Humanity is a take that is expressed in this poem. The author says, "My black face fades hiding inside the black granite" (line 1&2) to show aspects of humanity. The use of "face" depicts identity and understanding. The face is a representation of hope and …show more content…

He artistically uses two objects, the window, and the mirror to attribute to effects of Vietnam War that left 58,022 persons dead. Suggestively, this corresponds to the famous saying, "Your present determines your future" a reflection used to distinguish the successful individuals from the unsuccessful ones.
The end-mark of Yusef's poem is a futile attempt of a woman erasing names proceeded by brushing the boy's hair. "In the black mirror, the woman's trying to erase names. No, she's brushing a boy's hair" (Lines 27, 28&29). His message of forgiveness and transforming from self-recrimination as depicted earlier in the poem evident from phrases such as, "I said I wouldn't" carries the heavy weight of the poem. The woman expresses her act of motherly love when she brushes the boy's hair, a sign of responsibility.
Yusef’s idea is to show the need for change that accommodates all. A society that is guided by love and forgiveness despite the experiences one goes through. For instance, in his case, he learned to adapt to others irrespective of the challenging experiences he underwent during the vet

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