
Zero Dark Thirty Essay

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1) Zero Dark Thirty had some great relevance to American politics and culture. Such as, showing the process of tracking down one of the most wanted men on earth. The bases of this movie was to show the point of view of the CIA agent and agents trying to track down Bin laden, no matter what the cost was. From the interrogation and how the CIA would gather their information. To how they would get the approval from the white house to act on certain situations. This is relevant to our politics and culture because it gets people to like the government more. It shows the people of America the struggle the CIA went through to get this criminal and to protect America from any more terrorist attack. This movie also shows the excitement of the American …show more content…

It showed a detailed perspective of a CIA agent trying to locate and take out Bin Laden. It shows everything from asking permission from the white house to take action on Bin Laden, to all of the upsetting events that happened when something went wrong. This would inform the public of what the government does. Also had a little bit of propaganda towards the government doing good for America. The movie also showed some of the torturing that had been done to get information on the location of Bin Laden. This is grey area in being a strength and a weakness for the film. It is good that they put this in the film because it happened in the prosses of getting Bin Laden and they didn’t shy away from putting it into the film. The weakness to this is that the torturing in the film was a little bit much for some of the public. People do not like knowing that our government tortures peoples to get information. The film almost makes it seem that torture is a necessity for the government to gather information. They want you want you to see that they never would have gotten Bin Laden if they wouldn’t have tortured a couple people. It is kind of a way to educate the public that torturing is a thing that our government does and the it is sometimes needed for the greater good. No matter how inhuman it seems, it is being down to save many lives in the

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