Zero Tolerance In School

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The primary decision is to determine if the item brought in as an artifact to enhance her report on the history of her home was in violation of the zero-tolerance policy.
The parents of an elementary student demand that something is done about the student who brought a gun to school. They plan to contact the Superintendent and the local newspaper and other parents of the community.
The issue is: Zero tolerance policies have been adopted to address student discipline, resulting in out-of-school suspensions and expulsions. Zero Tolerance punishment can range from detention, staying after school, few days ' suspension, to expulsion from the school. Parents need to be notified about the incident and be present during the interrogation of the child. …show more content…

On the other hand, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the challenge of whether school "zero tolerance" discipline policies might be as severe as to violate a student’s constitutional rights. The Court also declined to “review the case of the 8th grader who was suspended one semester for possession of a knife on school grounds. The student had taken a binder containing the knife away from a suicidal classmate and placed it in his own locker.” (Ratner v. Loudoun County Public, (4th Cir. …show more content…

This is a legal safeguard that protects the rights of students and their parents and is constitutionally guaranteed. According to the TUSD Governing Board, a student that violates this policy may be placed in an alternative school or expelled and not be readmitted. On the contrary, if the disciplinary action is against a student with any kind of disability or 504 PLAN, the student can get suspended up to ten cumulative days in a school year in accordance with TUSD District policies and state and federal special education laws. Parents also have the opportunity to present the student 's side of the story in a fair hearing. If parents are not satisfied with any school official 's decision they are entitled to request a review by the school official 's immediate supervisor. TUSD 2015-2016 GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (GSRR)
All stakeholders in the respective school will be affected by the final resolution as it will define, to some extent, the definition of “weapon”. Obvious primary stakeholders are Becky Skutter and her parents, and the parents making the complaint. Secondary, stakeholders are all the students, parents, guardians of the school, faculty, administration of the school, District leadership, Governing Board, and the overall school and neighborhood