Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

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Would you be shocked if I told you I created a Zombie prepare plan? I am telling you a prepare plan like no other. A plan that will not only help in a zombie apocalypse, but also in natural disasters and tragedies. Once you stop laughing, I will proceed. Since I attend Marshall University, I thought I would skim the universities prepare plan. Not shocking at all, but I found my plans and Marshalls quite similar. Only I have used zombies and Marshall uses scenarios like an active shooter and a fire. With this being said, I know you are probably confused as to, “why, zombies”? Zombies, are lethal and they are already dead. They are mindless, but the irony is, they want your brains for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, in other words they want …show more content…

Just like when a zombie outbreak happens, it is unexpected and fast. Let us imagine we are on the 4th floor of Corbly hall, and a fire has broken out. The fire is on the 4th floor and you, your classmates, and other students need to exit through the stairwell. Avoid elevators due to the fact that you may become stuck. With a fire this could mean death. Being on elevators, you could possibly encounter the zombies when the door opens and be attacked by them. Which means depending on your location, this means you can assess and evaluate what it will take to survive in time of crisis. Whether this be an actual zombie attack or a fire, you should also consider another location like if you are on the top floor of Smith hall you should first try to find the nearest stairwell exit too, once more avoid elevators. In this time of panic, I yet again address not using elevators because typically an elevator shuts down or will not work. This also leaves you stranded, in an elevator without any food, water, and survival necessities. So by avoiding elevators your next step should be trying to find a stairwell exit. If you cannot find a stairwell exit you need to try to adjust to your surroundings as quickly as possible, then act. When you cannot find the stairwell or the stairwell is not even an option, proceed to find the nearest window. Crazy as it seems to find a window and then climb out and analyze what you can and what you are willing to do for survival. Try your best to remain calm and find your way to the lowest window and or climb down the building all together. Only do this if there is not access to a stairwell. Once you have exited the building seek help and or shelter. Another location that should be addressed is the basement of the Student Center. The basement of the Student Center is underground meaning there is a chance to exit easily. Once again remain