Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

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You decide to search for supplies in the drug dealer camp, you tell the men to guard the gates and the openings of this camp. Then you take Jackal with you to a building which wasn’t looted yet. Jackal opens the door and a zombie runs out of it heading towards you, there was no time to think about how you’re going to defend against the zombie. So your arms moved and uses the butt of the gun to smack the zombie in the head, it knocked the zombie on its back side and you stomp your foot on its head smashing it to pieces like a watermelon smashing when it hits the ground. After the zombie was dead, you and Jackal begin to search and salvage anything which shall help them survive this zombie apocalypse. While you are looking around you find drugs …show more content…

You drop the bag and aim your assault rifle at the entrance of the stairway. Then you wave to Jackal to hide behind something and get ready for anything. Right there a person walks out with an AK- 47 in his hands, he picks up a drug and eats it. When he was busy with the drug, Jackal shoots him in the head and the shot made a blood stain which was shaped as a ball on the wall behind the man. You get up and you walk over to the person, then you take the AK- 47 from the corpse and you put it around your back. Then you hear men yelling outside saying zombies are coming towards the camp you are in. You run out of the building with Jackal and you go to the gate to join with the men guarding the camp, then you start to shoot the zombies. But every time a zombie dies two more takes its place in the horde and you yell to 2 men to bring up the machine gun which was in the …show more content…

Then you see that all of the zombies are in the camp and you shoot two rockets on both sides of the gate. When the rockets exploded on both sides, the walls begin to crumble inwards and it is blocking the entrance so the zombies can’t escape. Then you tell all of the men to go out the other entrances and you follow behind, when you make out the door. You run behind a tree right before the charge on the door explodes and causes the entrance to fall on top of itself. Then you start to hear more explosions happening around the camp and you see Buck walking towards