Zoo Observation Report

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I went to the Zoo on November 6, 2015. When I arrived there the chimpanzees where in the pent house because they were cutting the trees in the zoo. When I got there, there was a lady on blue talking about the chimpanzees. She knew to distinguish the chimpanzees from males or females, but she was new so she wasn’t to sure what there names were, because they were a little to far for her to distinguish, this made it a lot easier for the observations. When I got there I saw a male chimp climbed down the stairs and three baby chimpanzees followed him. He played with them for a little bit. The lady in the blue told us the male chimp was Ben. After he played with them, he traveled he wanted to be alone and he was inactive. The baby chimps climbed …show more content…

This remained me of when a male at McDonald’s was playing with his kid and how he was interacting with his kid, but for the chimpanzees there was more physical interaction and for the people it was more verbal interaction. Then the male chimpanzee after playing with them for a while moved away from the babies chimpanzees, this remained me of the time another male at McDonald’s left his kid unattended. When I saw the older male reading his newspaper and not moving nor having interactions with another person, it reminded me of the male chimpanzee when he would stay for long periods of time without moving or being inactive. When I saw the other couple of males at McDonald’s sitting together and also reading a news paper, but not interacting with one another, it remained me of the chimps that were siting together without doing nothing, being inactive. When I saw the kids play at McDonald’s it remained me of when the baby chimps were playing with one another. How the baby chimps were making noises and hitting each other with their feet and hands, but with the kids they were making noises but not hitting each other they were just running