Zora Neale Hurston Research Paper

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Zora Neal Hurston’s life had many ups and downs, and some is still a mystery to us (Telgan, 301). Born in Eatonville, Florida, an all African American community, Hurston grew up not feeling the full force of the nations racial problem (Telgan, 301). At the ripe age of 14, she left the nest and started working for white families (Telgan, 301). One of which sent her to Morgan Academy, which led her to study at Barnard College under anthropologist Franz Boas (Telgan, 301). Afterwards, Hurston went to colleges such as Howard University and Columbia University, where she studied to receive a Ph.D. in anthropology (Telgan, 301). 1921 was the year of Hurston’s first publication, and she did not go unnoticed; The Harlem Renaissance, an artistic group