Aldrich Ames Essays

  • Aldrich Ames Betrayal

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    ultimate betrayal of Aldrich Ames, a trusted CIA agent of over 30 years, was one that had more than just one consequence(Kubic, 2017). Throughout many years he gave up secrets and names that involved undercover operations. These secrets were worth large amounts of money to enemy contacts in the KGB. Ames is a unique kind of traidor; for he is not only motivated by money and opportunity but also pleasure and satisfaction of being able to give out “confidential” information(Kubic,2017). Ames showed on many

  • The Spy Who Got Away Analysis

    724 Words  | 3 Pages

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a spy? Although at times it may sound fascinating, to have an intimidating job as such, could be quite overwhelming for some, but not for Edward Lee Howard, America’s Most Wanted Spy. The events that transpired as a result of Howard’s actions will leave many speechless. David Wise’s non-fictional book, The Spy Who Got Away, is one that has been widely publicized and read by numerous people as it contains several striking matters regarding national

  • Personal Best Leadership Experience Essay

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    My personal best leadership experience is one of the most joyful parts of my life as a young man. I love football and it was in the game of football that I got my best leadership experience, being the captain of a football team I played in. The football team was a junior team of a popular football team in Abuja. It is (put football team name) in this team I started out as a substitute for the first team. Making cameo appearances from the bench was not a joy for a football player. At a point I taught

  • Southern Indiana Beauty Essay

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    The Beauty of University of Southern Indiana There is more that meets the eye when you look. University of Southern Indiana has been around for many years with many people that have traveled through the campus. USI has many buildings that bring the campus and everyone together to make it a whole. Whether you want to join a social club, get some food or gain a better relationship with God the University of Southern Indiana has it all. The University of Southern Indiana has been around and established

  • Marc Favreau Spies Essay

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    I chose to read Spies: The Secret Showdown Between America and Russia simply because the bolded word “Spies” on the cover caught my attention. I thought this would be a very interesting topic to learn more about. Spies is a nonfiction book written by Marc Favreau about the role spies from the United States and the Soviet Union played in the Cold War. Favreau’s purpose in writing this is to inform and entertain readers with stories about important spies and espionage technology. Favreau wanted readers

  • Closer Look Into Intelligence: Hanssen Case And The 9/11 Comm

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    former Soviet Union in February 2001. Throughout his time as a spy since 1985, he provided highly classified national security information to Russia for over a million dollars’ worth of cash. Despite a similar recent case the FBI handled involving Aldrich Ames, another agent providing Russia classified information, the FBI failed to recognize earlier of Hanssen’s espionage involvement due to his experience as a counterintelligence agent. In July 2001,

  • Informative Essay On Lie Spotting Script

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    Lie Spotting script Introduction Hello, my name is Ellyse Stock and I'm going to start out today by showing you a series of pictures and I want you look at them and tell me what they all have in common. Just yell it out when you know. From Aldrich Ames, who was a double agent, selling secrets to the Soviet Union, to Richard Nixon and his insistence that "I am not a crook", to Bill Clinton's assurance that "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", these 8 men are some of the most infamous

  • Alger Hiss: The Carnegie Endowman's Trial

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    Alger Hiss is not a very well known figure by today’s standards; however, espionage and perjury accusations against him became both infamous and controversial in his era. In the 40s and 50s, the height of Communist Hysteria, Alger Hiss would be accused to have been a spy or agent for the Soviet Union. Unlike similar trials involving accusations of treason and espionage, Hiss’s trial would become controversial as he continuously pleaded his innocence and only received a punishment for perjury. While

  • Summary Of Spy Handler

    1956 Words  | 8 Pages

    Boris, in which they debriefed Howard for three to four hours. Boris’ was never fully identified but Victor Cherkashin wrote in his book Spy Handler, he made the call to Howard. (Cherkashin, 2005) Cherkashin also identified himself in his book as Aldrich Ames’ and Robert Hanssen’s handler. (Cherkashin, 2005) During the debrief, Howard divulged the presence of a spy within Russia, the wiretap in Russia’s most sensitive underground communication line, CKELBOW. (Hoffman, 2015) He also explained to the

  • Counterintelligence Research Paper

    5353 Words  | 22 Pages

    Counterintelligence: The Sword and Shield in Counterterrorism Michael Jay Smith American Military University INTL 498 Senior Seminar Dr. Lamont Colucci   Misunderstood Capabilities “All Warfare is based upon deception”- Sun Tzu In most instances, Counterintelligence operations are often misunderstood in the capabilities they provide to counter-terror operations. Counterintelligence operations offer many options in order to ensure that intelligence collection is attainable in instances of terrorism